Vaisala Driver

GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source License by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single raster abstract data model and single vector abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. It also comes with a variety of useful command line utilities for data translation and processing. The NEWS page describes the December 2020 GDAL/OGR 3.2.1 release.

Download SDI-12, a LabVIEW Serial Plug and Play (project-style) instrument driver for a Weather Transmitter,Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor,Multiparameter Sonde,Soil Sensor,Float-operated level sensor that measures the level of steams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. From ysi,vaisala,stevenswatermonitoringsystem,campbell, model(s): 6600, 215, 12, 510.

See Software using GDAL

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A21REL-12 Relay Driver. A300 Power and Signal Converter. Vaisala HMP35A and HMP35D Operating Instructions (retired) VDIV10.1 and VDIV2:1 Voltage Dividers. Information contained in this manual. Vaisala makes no representations on this manual’s compliance with the local rules and regulations applicable at any given time, and hereby disclaims any and all responsibilities related thereto. This manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards customers or end users.

Building automation engineers are still facing challenges trying to integratecontrollers and smart devices. Often products of different vendors or evendifferent series of the same vendor cannot communicate with each other. The riseof open standard protocols helped to improve the situation, but still there is along way to go.

Tridium Niagara is one of the leading solutions is this field. It combinesflexibility, openness and the whole set of features to build anything from asimple and stable gateway to a huge building management system. Niagara includesmultiple protocols and even more are available from independent developers like us.

From legacy hardware produced in the 80’s to the very latest building management systems,voice assistants, electrical cars and energy analysis down to a millisecond –our experience in automation industries, software development and Niagaraframework allows us to clearly see the needs of engineers and help to fulfill them.That’s why we created drivers for various popular building automation systems:

Vaisala Driver Training

  • More are coming up!

Why would you be interested in our drivers for Niagara AX or N4? There arenumerous situations when you could benefit from integrating differentsystems using them. Here are just some examples:

Vaisala Driver

  1. Your client has a building with existing legacy system, and they want toexpand it using other controllers. There should be an exchange of informationbetween these systems, e.g. AHU controller should receive information aboutterminal equipment statuses and setpoints. Tridium Jace device with appropriateprotocol drivers could solve this task.
  2. Your client has multiple buildings with various systems, and they want toreplace multiple SCADA front-ends with a single software package to control thesystem remotely. Tridium Supervisor has a full stack of features for BMS controland with right set of protocols it is suitable for the task.
  3. You are planning a new building management system and don’t want to stickwith one vendor solutions. Instead, you want to combine multiple vendorproducts, getting the best of everything feature-wise and price-wise. Again,Niagara framework and drivers for these vendor protocols will enable a fully-functional integration and user experience.
  4. In addition to building management system you want to use cloud-based analyticalpackage for energy prediction, fault detection and all kinds of dashboards. Niagaracan easily normalize real-time and historical values from most BMS vendors and pushthem info the cloud using MQTT or other services.

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